Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Angel Sing and other cool vibe!

Wow, this life just keeps getting cooler.  Where to start?  I have one day left of shooting on my NEW WAY TO CRY video.  The ongoing California rain storm has impeded my progress on that video a bit.  Regardless, if the current plan works I expect to post that song this coming Friday.  I've already started on the music video for the song to follow, which is a song titled THE COOL CATS WILL CALL.  I have several new recordings in the works.  Mike and Ed are arranging and producing another Jason Peirce song titled BROKEN WINGS, and, Cody has begun arrangement/production on my Irish drinking buddy, Marc Carroll's song, titled, NO TIME AT ALL.  I look forward to voicing these works.  Also, I just dusted off an old half written song of my own which Jason has committed to helping me finish - a song that I refer to as my lost cowboy-punk song.  It's called Angel Sing.  It's odd, but, hopefully, lovely in some way.  I look forward to getting all this cool vibe complete and brokered to the public's ear-bones very soon! 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Another still shot from the latest Music Video

We have two shooting days left on my New Way to Cry music video...  Just need a break in this California monsoon.  Looks like Mon/Tues will be the final shoot dates.  Ken Fischman and Julien Reneaud have been assisting production on this one.  I also have started work on The Cool Cats Will Call music video.  Cool Cats is an amazing Cody Melville song, which, he also produced for me, and I'm excited about shooting the video for that one as well.  I look forward to posting the new vids very soon.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Cody Melville will be featured "This Coming Week On The Music Authority Live Stream Show.." Cody wrote and produced Over You, as well as an upcoming song The Cool Cats Will call (which is my next video upon completion of New Way to Cry...) Cody's an amazing singer/songwriter...

This Coming Week On The Music Authority Live Stream Show...Monday Through Thursday 6-9PM ET, 3-6PM PT...Friday Night 7-10PM ET, 4-7PM PT With Feature Artists the jigsaw seen, Cody Melville And The Big Believe. As Always, Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues...From All Over the World! Hear Here: The Music Authority http://cp.usa7.fastcast4u.com:2199/start/jamprell
And Don’t Forget Your FREE Listener App!
Android - https://fastcast4u.store.aptoide.com/app/market/com.TheMusicAuthorityv3/1/23381821/The+Music+Authority
Apple - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-music-authority/id1039205434
— with Cody Melville.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shotbun, I mean Shotgun wife stuff...

So yes, I'm cowboy drunk and so this is the last recollection of my wife...  (still shot from upcoming video Brand New Way to Cry).  Sleep with one eye open..!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Drinks in Hollywood

Had drinks with my brilliant L.A. music producers...  Michael Madill and Edward Donnelly came by the Dresden tonight in Hollywood.  They brought a buddy by as well, Chuck Bartels, a current member of Sturgill Simpson's band.  Apparently Mr. Bartels is in town along with Mr. Sturgill to do some little television presentation - it's called the freakin' Grammy Awards!  Marty and Elayne played tonight while we toasted.  Sara was their guest performer, she sounded good, as always.  It was a fun time.  Nice to meet fellow Michigander, Chuck Bartels.  Best of luck to you and Sturgill at the 2017 Grammys!


Monday, February 6, 2017

Rye whiskey and a cowboy hat...

Still shot via Brand New Way to Cry Music Video
And so it goes...  Whiskey, a guitar, a cowboy hat, along with a bit of misery - ah, I believe I may have recently awoke in a Country Music world!  This is a still shot from my latest, upcoming, music video.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Ready to Crack Some Eggs...

Oh my, I am so happy to be shooting my latest music video - Brand New Way to Cry!  A fun/lively song written by Jason Peirce, and produced by Michael Madill and Edward Donnelly.