Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Angel Sing and other cool vibe!

Wow, this life just keeps getting cooler.  Where to start?  I have one day left of shooting on my NEW WAY TO CRY video.  The ongoing California rain storm has impeded my progress on that video a bit.  Regardless, if the current plan works I expect to post that song this coming Friday.  I've already started on the music video for the song to follow, which is a song titled THE COOL CATS WILL CALL.  I have several new recordings in the works.  Mike and Ed are arranging and producing another Jason Peirce song titled BROKEN WINGS, and, Cody has begun arrangement/production on my Irish drinking buddy, Marc Carroll's song, titled, NO TIME AT ALL.  I look forward to voicing these works.  Also, I just dusted off an old half written song of my own which Jason has committed to helping me finish - a song that I refer to as my lost cowboy-punk song.  It's called Angel Sing.  It's odd, but, hopefully, lovely in some way.  I look forward to getting all this cool vibe complete and brokered to the public's ear-bones very soon! 

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